How to Treat Skin Redness at Home

Redness of the skin can be a symptom of many conditions, but in most cases, it is harmless. Redness can be a sign of an allergic reaction, sunburn, infection, or skin damage. A red spot or rash can also be a sign of skin diseases, such as rosacea or dandruff, or the result of a minor skin injury.

If your skin is red and irritated, you are probably looking for a quick way to treat it. While red, irritated skin can be due to any number of triggers, it can also be a sign of an underlying condition. If your skin is sensitive to heat, cold weather, or certain soaps, you might have sensitive skin and will want to take steps to get rid of any irritation, keep it from getting worse, and prevent it from coming back.

Cold compress

Treat skin redness at home. Redness on your face, neck, and chest can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. A cold compress can help ease the pain and itching. The relief comes quickly, too. If you happen to have any skin redness on your body, such as rosy cheeks, heat rash, or hives, a cold compress can be a godsend for your discomfort. A cold compress can help bring down any swelling, ease inflammation, and reduce redness.

Oatmeal bath

When redness shows up on your skin, you may be tempted to reach for the nearest cream. But there are some simple things you can do at home to help treat your redness. Oatmeal baths can help soothe irritated skin and minor rashes. They have been used for centuries, believed to help battle itchy, inflamed skin and rashes. Using oatmeal as a bath soak can soothe irritated skin and promote healing. You can make your own oatmeal bath or simply purchase prepared oatmeal bath salts.

Aloe Vera (Fresh)

Aloe vera (fresh) is well-known for its soothing and healing properties. Its soothing properties help in treating dry skin, acne, sunburn, eczema, and psoriasis. It can also aid in treating minor wounds. Fresh aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing swelling, redness, and pain. It helps in nourishing the skin and rejuvenating it.

Aloe vera has long been known for its many health and beauty benefits and can help soothe a sunburn, reduce redness, and even reduce acne. Although it’s considered safe for most people, some people can have negative side effects from using aloe vera so it may be best to patch-test it first.

Coconut oil

Skin redness is an irritating condition that bothers many people. From excessive exposure to the sun to pimples, acne, or even rosacea, skin redness can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. While it is treatable, sometimes you just need to take matters into your own hands, perhaps by trying coconut oil. Because your skin is your largest organ, a little coconut oil can go a long way. Known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, applying coconut oil to skin redness can help banish any irritation.

Tea Tree Oil

Although skin redness and irritation are common after shaving, they can often be relieved by simple remedies. Try soothing skin redness with tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil. Tea tree essential oil can provide relief from a number of skin conditions and also help prevent recurrence in the future. Studies show tea tree oil is an effective topical treatment for a host of inflammatory conditions. Tea tree oil can help relieve symptoms of skin redness by speeding up the skin’s natural healing process.