Why Am I Not Losing Weight in a Calorie Deficit?

If you have been trying to lose weight by reducing your calorie intake and exercising regularly, you were probably hoping to see some results by now, however, if you are not seeing any difference in your weight loss, and you are having trouble losing weight, then there may be a few factors contributing to your issues with your weight loss progress.

In today’s article, we will go into how a calorie deficit works, and the reasons why you may not be losing weight or if you are experiencing weight gain instead of loss.

An Important Note on Body Weight

Remember, your weight loss journey is yours and no one else’s, so what may work for others might not be right for you.

If you want sustainable weight loss, then you are going to need to tailor your healthy lifestyle to what your body needs.

Don’t force yourself to lose body fat and get rid of that excess weight with bad practices, this will only slow you down or damage your body, so always be aware of what your body needs, and if you do gain weight back, then there are a number of reasons why this could be happening, so you will need to have that checked out.

How Does a Calorie Deficit Work?

You have probably heard a lot of the time that if you want to lose weight then you are going to need to take in fewer calories and focus on your type of food intake so you are getting the right kind of nutrition with the calories you eat.

Avoiding processed foods and making sure that you consume fewer calories seems to be the general idea for achieving weight loss.

Combining it With Exercise

The easiest way to look at is that if you want to focus on fat loss then you need to pair an exercise routine with a reduced calorie intake.

Increase the energy you are burning through exercise and lower the number of calories you take in.

Pretty simple it seems, however, the exercises you do and the food you consume will have the overall effect on your body, so not every exercise will give you the ‘body goals’ you want, nor will any food you eat (even reduced) will help you to lose weight.

Think About The Exercises You Are Doing

For example, if you decide to start weight training, you may find that you are losing fat which is a positive, however, you are gaining muscle, so if you are working out vigorously with weight training and the scale is not moving much, it could be because of the muscle you are putting on.

Don’t Always Trust The Scale

This is why stepping on the scale is not a great indication of your health and fitness.

You might actually be a lot healthier than you previously were, but your scale is telling you something different.

It would be best to measure yourself and track your progress that way, as you may see your waist getting smaller but more defined with muscle mass, which is better for your body and your health.

You may not be experiencing ‘weight gain’ but more so muscle gain which is a great way to feel better about yourself and fitter.

You are still losing body fat, it is just not as easy to see when you get on a scale as it is only focused on your mass.

So, Why Am I Not Losing Weight in a Calorie Deficit?

If you feel like you are doing everything to lose fat, but you think that you are still gaining weight, then there could be some underlining factors that you haven’t thought about before.

One possible reason is the presence of stubborn fatty deposits that can be difficult to remove even with intense exercise and dieting. In such cases, considering a weight loss treatment like vaser liposuction with Dr Mileto (or a medical expert of your choice) could be a viable option in order to remove these persistent fat cells.

However, it’s important to note that there could be multiple factors affecting weight loss. Here are some of these reasons, which can help you understand why you may not be experiencing weight loss despite exercising and maintaining a calorie surplus.

Water Weight Gain

When we want to lose weight it can turn out to be very hard as our bodies are stubborn because they want to hold onto the fat cells for an energy reserve.

When you are able to lose fat, those cells are replaced by water with the body hoping they will be filled with fat again.

It is Only Temporary

The good news for people who think this could be the main issue with their weight loss problem – water weight gain does not last too long as the cells will give up trying and start to shrink so you will start to see a difference once this has happened.

Sweat It Out

You can speed up the process by going into a sauna or doing a HIIT workout to sweat out that excess water weight.

Still keep yourself hydrated at these times, you don’t want to hurt your body, and keeping up with your water intake can actually help with the weight loss process.

You’ve Hit a Weight Loss Plateau

This happens with everybody when they are getting into their weight loss journey, it can be frustrating and if it keeps happening it can almost make you want to give up as you can’t seem to nudge it into gear again.

What Does This Mean?

This will normally happen when the calories you burn will equal the calories you eat.

If you are losing fat, you are also having muscle loss, so this can result in you reducing your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), this means that your metabolism slows down and you burn fewer calories.

How Can You Stop The Plateau?

To kick this into gear again, you need to focus on increasing your physical activity and reducing your calories once more to get you back into losing weight.

You can try different variations to see which works best, but you will start to notice a difference if you keep at it and don’t give in. It happens to everyone, even those you see who has lost a lot of weight, they plateaued at one point, or maybe a handful of times, it happens, and it is completely natural.

However, if you are in need of a quick fix, maybe because you have to attend an upcoming wedding or a beauty pageant, then a better alternative for you could be to look for alternative solutions like body contouring, liposuction, fat freezing, or a similar procedure at Modern Surgical Arts of Denver (or a similar facility), depending on what’s most suitable for your body.

In case you take this route, remember that you would still need to follow a proper diet and exercise regime in order to keep that weight off.

You’re Pushing Yourself Too Hard

Constantly exercising and still not seeing any progress when you check your weight? You could be overexerting yourself too much which is causing you to stop losing weight.

The Effects of Inflammation

Inflammation can occur if you are too rigorous with your workouts, and this can also cause weight gain, so you may be frustrated with the fact that you are actually noticing your weight going up.

It is important to keep doing cardio, but it is not okay to push yourself constantly this will have the opposite effect and decrease your Basal Metabolic Rate as well as eat away at your lean muscle mass.

What Can You Do to Change This?

When you find yourself unable to lose weight despite being in a calorie deficit and maintaining a regular workout routine, it may be time to introduce some variety to your cardio sessions. Mixing in slower-paced activities like Pilates or yoga can still provide a fulfilling workout while minimizing the risk of excessive inflammation in the body. These exercises not only engage your muscles but also promote relaxation, allowing you to find a healthy balance between physical activity and nourishing your body with nutritious food. In addition to incorporating different workout styles, exploring cosmetic procedures like coolsculpting could be a viable option. These treatments tend to target stubborn fat deposits and aid in weight loss efforts, providing an additional tool to help you achieve your desired body shape and shed those last few pounds that seem resistant to traditional methods. Remember to consult with professionals in cosmetic procedures similar to the ones providing CoolSculpting in Cypress, TX, or in your locality to ensure the most suitable approach for your unique circumstances.

Give yourself time to relax as well.

It is good to have downtime and take it slowly because if you work out every day you are just going to cause more problems for yourself.

Hormone Imbalance

It is worth noting that hormone imbalance can impact weight loss results, even if you’re on a strict diet. Keep in mind that hormones play a crucial role in various physiological processes, including metabolism and the way your body stores fat.

Therefore, when there is an imbalance in the hormones released in the body, it may make it more challenging for individuals to lose weight. For example, chronic stress can result in elevated cortisol levels, which can contribute to weight gain.

Conversely, imbalances in sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen can affect body composition. For instance, lower levels of testosterone can lead to increased body fat and loss of muscle mass. To improve weight loss results, men can consider opting for testosterone supplements or visit a TRT Clinic Temecula or elsewhere to seek hormone replacement treatment.

Just Write it Down Instead

If you really don’t want to track your calories, then just focus on writing down what you are eating without the calories just so you can see what dietary changes you would like to make.

Focus on You

Sometimes we focus so much on losing weight that we forget about how it is affecting us mentally.

Whilst losing weight is good for health reasons, especially if you have an illness that you need to manage with your weight, it is better to strive for a healthy and functioning body, so paying attention to what you put inside it will help you in the long haul.

You Are Too Stressed

Stress can be detrimental to our health, and just like over-exercising, it can cause inflammation in the body which will hinder your chances of losing weight.

Emotional Eating

You can start emotional eating when you are stressed, this is where you eat if you have a bad day or you are feeling low, replacing talking out your feelings with sugary foods that light up the reward center in your brain.

How to Combat This

If you think stress may have a part in stopping you from achieving the weight loss you want, then it is time to take a step back and do exercises that help you feel relaxed and good at the same time, e.g. yoga and pilates, or just going for a walk in the sunlight.

Bad Sleeping Habits

You can find that you gain excess weight by not having a good sleep schedule to help you get the rest and recharge that you need.

It has been said that sleep deprivation can lead to an increased appetite as well as a higher daily food intake that will alter your brain chemistry and have you get satisfaction from food.

Our self-control practically becomes non-existent when it comes to foods filled with sugar and fat.

How Can You Change This?

You could look at getting to bed a bit earlier than you would do so you are not searching for snacks late at night.

It is important that you get between 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night so you can wake up in a better state and support your mind as well as your body.

There is an Imbalance With Your Calorie Deficit

It can be hard to completely count your calories accurately, so if you are not following them closely when you are starting out on your weight loss journey, then you may actually be taking in more calories than you thought, so you aren’t doing what you need to lose the weight.

Monitoring Your Food Intake

One way that you can combat this issue is by monitoring your calorie intake with a personal journal or a fitness app.

Whilst for some people this can be triggering as they can feel like they are being incredibly precise which can make them feel bad about what they are eating, it will help with taking stock of what you are eating and how it is affecting you.

It can help you make better decisions and stop you from reaching for things that are bad for you.


After reading this through, hopefully, you now know why you are not losing weight whilst being in a calorie deficit.

It isn’t easy to lose weight, and it takes a lot of time and determination to work through it, so if you really want to go for it, make sure you are putting all the right steps in place to provide a healthier outlook for yourself.

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